Thursday 28 June 2018


June 28th, 2018

We have had yet another sunny day, and the Critter has been busy clicking her needles under the blue sky.

Critter had some news this morning, a letter from her sister, Lola, she is coming to visit from Spain, and, let's just say. she's not quite as reserved as her knitting sister.

theknittingcritter and Lola knitting characters

This is her, hello Lola, had a good journey?

Here she is, chilling on the sofa,

Hi Lola, enjoying the film? i'm sure she is.

she's ready to go out now, "I like a Margarita before I hit the town", she says. "How do I look?"

You look lovely Lola, but behave yourself tonight while you are out.

 But, ooOOOOHHH, what are you doing? Don't bend down like that in public!!!

"I've just found a five pound note on the floor! "

"GOODBYE, don't wait up!"

" GOOD BYE LOLA,  see you later.................."

Here she is at the end of the night, can't even make it up to bed....

 "Good Night Lola, sweet dreams ......."

Good night every body.